Take Control (160 marks) – International Academy of Natural Health & Wellness

Take Control (160 marks)

Top Tip: As with all the short answer assignments in this course, we recommend that you type up the answers prior to submission. Complete this in your own time, then simply copy and paste into the textbox below for submission.

Read Part 2: Balancing Your Life in Take Control (2005) by Mary-Ann Shearer on taking control of your mental well-being. In a word document, type up the following:

  1. Summarise each of the seven of chapters in Part 2 in less than 200 words. Remember to include the chapter titles in your summary.
  2. Include a short paragraph (200 words) summary of how you could apply this knowledge when consulting with a client that experiences problems in this area of their lives.
  3. Upload your word doc once completed:
    Upload Assignment > Browse > Select file > Upload

Mark Breakdown: 20 marks per chapter x 7 chapters = 140 marks and 20 marks for practical application of the knowledge (for question 2) = 160 Marks Total.

Word count: 200 words per chapter x 7 chapters = 1400 words total.